Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ayacucho Zone

Hey Mom and Dad,

Yes, Elder Cucchi and I get along pretty well. He finishes the mission right after I do, so we have two veterans as companions. I know Elder McCeuen was a football player, but I'm not sure if he is a recent convert. I only got to know him for one week. He had to travel to Lima for some heart problems he's been having, but I called him last night and he says that he should be back by tomorrow. No, I didn't get my package yet. Knowing the office, I'll probably get a hold of it when I go back home. Elder Arellano the Peruvian did go back to Chorillos, and he was pretty stoked about it. Now, I haven't seen my twin Elder Martinez since I was in the office typing up documents, but everyone still says that we're related. All of the missionaries here are Elders. There are no sisters. Everyone here is new, so there are no missionaries who've returned to Ayacucho.

Well, like I said before, the rain stopped. Now it's just burning with the sun so close. I can't wait to go back to sea level and see the difference in oxygen levels. I can finally run without tiring out after 10 seconds. Today we plan to go to Razahuilca, which is some place in the mountains with a lake, as I've been told. The post mission feeling is starting to kick in. I'm starting to worry about what I'm gonna do when I get back, but I guess it's normal. I just gotta focus on the work.

Well, thanks for writing me back. I've been giving a real effort to serve others as a missionary, but that doesn't mean my crave for the vidya games has ended, haha. Really though, after all I've learned here on the mission, and remembering what the Papciak told me in high school, I have to go back and develop my skills in art. Anyway, my time on the mail is about up. Any updates on my facebook? Gessika was asking to see the paintings I made, but because I can't go on facebook or any other website, I wanted to know if my art was there to see. Well, I must best get going. I love you both, and tell the family that I still love them, and that I can't wait to come back and see them. Please take care, and I'll talk to you next week.

Elder Emiliano Leon

Service Project

Hey Mom and Dad,

It was great to hear from you both, and I was really happy to listen to what has been going down in Oceanside, even though nothing much has changed. This morning was chaotic non-stop action with moving the furniture into our new room, and a bunch of other small things. I am tired and I haven't eaten anything yet, and we still have to go pick up the room keys, eat lunch, buy more stuff for the new room, and play football. I feel like exploding because I'm in overload mode, but all I need now is just food and a nap, and I'll be a happy camper. Nothing new in Ayacucho as of yet. The weather is getting hotter. Anyway, my new companion is Elder Cucchi.
Anyway, 6 weeks are all that's left before I return home. I can't wait to eat some delicious Mexican food and American food. But let me tell you both, I'm going to miss Peruvian food because it's so good. Tell everyone in the ward that I said hi and I miss them. Same with our family; let them know that I miss them and that I can't wait to see them again. Anyway, we'll see what happens next week. Goodbye and I love you both. Take care.

Elder Emiliano León