Dear Mother and Father in a far away land,
Elder Llontop is still my companion. His first name is José, and any last requests? Well, just the hard cover Book of Mormon in English with a small dedicatory for my companion. Oh, and if you can, Jesus the Christ in Spanish.
This week we again hit 30 lessons taught with members, and we had 3 baptisms. Zenaida, Aida, and Nelida were all baptized and confirmed this weekend. This makes our total baptisms for March 4. We have three more baptisms planned for the 16th of April, and we're hoping that everything will go as planned.
I forgot to tell you both, but Elder Llontop and I aren't bathing with hot water because we have no water heater. Every morning at 6:30am, we bathe with COLD water. Now, because we are in the mountains, the water is 100 times colder than Oceanside. Well, maybe not 100 times, but it's definitely uncomfortably cold, and we've been having the hardest time installing una terma para la ducha. First attempt, the water canals exploded in Ayacucho and there was no water for almost 5 days, and we lived off of bottled water. Second attempt, there was something wrong with the electricity. So as of now, we've been bathing in cold water.I love you both and we'll see each other again!
Elder Emiliano León